Thursday Thirteen #6

Thirteen Things I Love about My Valentine

1. He’s funny. OMG, is he funny. Fluids come out of my nose daily since I’ve met this man.
2. He’s diverse. He loves Yanni. And Tracy Chapman. And the Cure. And GWAR.
3. He’s a take-charge kind of guy. Being the oldest of seven, that’ll do it to ya, I guess.
4. He loves kids. His love for MAM radiates from the core of his very being.
5. He has pretty hazel eyes. (Just ask him–he’ll tell you)
6. He does the dishes. (God love him. He does the dishes)
7. He and I travel very well together. After one bad road trip with a friend, we made up a “rules of the road” contract, basically saying that we are never going to ride for long distances of time with other adults in the car. Because really, it’s more fun when it’s just the two of us.
8. He will brush off the snow and scrape the ice off my car if it’s out over night.
9. He is all about technology, photographs and backing things up. So we have very technologically advanced photographs on multilple storage devices. I love that.
10. He feeds my candy habit.
11. He doesn’t drink coffee, yet is completely respectful and supportive of the fact that I do, and that I function better if I do.
12. He fills my car up with gas. (After he does the dishes. God love him.)
13. He helps me to see the lighter side of things, which is good, because sometimes I have a hard time doing that.

Happy Valentine’s Day, BgK! XOXOX

Are you going to blog about this?

That is the most asked question in my house after, “Can MAM eat this?”

And after I opened the Target bag, the answer is “Yes, I will blog about this.”

This evening BgK stopped by Target on his way home, and when he arrived, his Target bag contained: a blue storage tote, a stuffed monkey, a hand mirror set and some contraband candy.

He handed the stuffed monkey to MAM,

“What’s the tote for?” I asked, as I slyly slid the candy to the freezer where it will stay until MAM goes to bed.

“This tote is for your LADIES DAYS SUPPLIES. As much as I like looking at them all time, I think they will fit in here just fine.”

See, when we were dating, obviously the SUPPLIES were hidden at all times. After awhile, once we were married, I felt comfortable leaving the SUPPLIES out for those days of the month.

Now, what, with the child, the job, the insanity I call life, I just don’t have it in me to keep moving said supplies back and forth (we have one of those master baths where the toilet is sort of stashed away from the vanity, so there’s no leaning and reaching while on the commode). So I just sort of keep them in the corner next to the toilet all the time. Now how obstrusive can a 20 pack be?

Well, see, I don’t know, cause I shop at SAMS.

So you know, my SUPPLIES are basically covered for what, 12-18months at a time. Sure it takes up space, but I never run out. And now I have a nifty new tote to stash them in.

Six Years

Today is our sixth wedding anniversary!

Six years of laughter.

Six years of joy.

Six years of figuring it out together.

Six years of learning what makes the other one tick.

Six years of all the reasons we got married in the first place.