A Valentine’s Day Giveaway

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button


This Giveaway is now closed…thanks for playing and stay tuned for a winner!

In celebration of my first real Snow Day (almost 10 inches! woot!), and just in time for Valentine’s day, I have a giveaway!!!

Hallmark has some all new recordable cards just in time for Valentine’s Day and guess what? I get to give a couple away!! These cards are so much fun–you have 10 seconds to record your own message, and then music plays.

I will send a couple of these cards your way, along with a book of stamps.

So how do you get your hands on these little numbers?? Just leave me a comment telling me…do you prefer flowers, chocolate or love notes for Valentine’s Day?? Come on, you can tell me! Also, please make sure you leave me a way to get in touch with you! (I will ship to US and Canada)

86 Replies to “A Valentine’s Day Giveaway”

  1. Flowers! Even though they die, it’s so nice to have something bright and cheery in the house, especially in February, yuck!

  2. I prefer CHOCOLATE, please tell my hubby, it has to be Godiva!
    Thanks for participating in the bloggy carnival!

  3. love notes are incredibly touching, but I also really love getting flowers – they light up the whole room and smell so lovely!

  4. I love chocolate. My husband used to get me flowers but finally realized I don’t appriciate things that die. So, he gets me plants now sometimes LOL


  5. For me, I would prefer love notes. Chocolate can melt. Flowers can die. I would want something that could stand against time!


  6. Love notes 🙂 They make my heart melt. If a guy wanted to toss in a flower and some Godiva chocolate, I wouldn’t complain either 😉

    shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

  7. I love the chocolate coconut clusters hubby usually gets me for Valentine’s Day..but it really can’t compare to the love notes I have saved throughout the years..not only from him, but from my kids, too! We are having a snow day here, too…it looks so pretty outside! Stay warm and enjoy it!


  8. I can buy my own flowers and chocolate (and I do!), but the love notes can only come from him.

    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  9. I would have to say love notes, although my husband isn’t really that type – they last so much longer! 🙂

    pbervie at mchsi dot com

  10. Oh my word – I’d take anything, at this point in my 14 year marriage! BUt a love note or flowers would really make an impression….

    Thi syear, I”m justing hoping he’ll think enough to have the little guy hand make me a card…

  11. I have to pick just one? Why not all 3? 😉 LOL okay… hmm flowers. A beautiful arrangement, nothing cookie cutter. Something sweet and fragrant. I love having fresh cut flowers in our home. It just makes me smile…

    Feel free to drop by and enter my Valentine’s G/A as well 🙂 Thank you!

  12. What a great giveaway! For Valentine’s I prefer love notes. My husband is great at picking out cards and writes the most romantic messages inside them. 🙂

  13. I’d love to get a Wildflower plant actually. I really don’t like fresh cut flowers, because they die too quickly. The Wildflower plant could be planted outside when the weather allowed and I’d have flowers that would help me remember the Valentine’s day and who I received them from.

  14. While I love flowers and chocolates (what woman doesn’t!), I prefer love notes. It’s so sentimental and even if it’s cheesy, it came from the heart.


  15. I’m going to go with flowers, because they don’t have any calories and my hubbie just isn’t a note writer.
    millkara [at] gmail.com

  16. I like chocolate only because my husband isn’t really a love note kind of guy. I’ll take chocolate any day, though, why should Valentines Day be any different? 🙂

  17. Flowers die and chocolate goes to my hips so I prefer love notes. So much more romantic and I can save them to read again.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  18. I’d love a love note, but at 44 have accepted that my husband is not going to do that. So – chocolate! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  19. I prefer flowers. chocolate is fattening.(and the kids end up eating them all before I get any)

    Thank you for being part of the Bloggy giveaway.

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