Sorting my thoughts (and a Poll!)…

Sorting my thoughts so as not to incriminate myself. In the mean time, please take a looksy at my poll. This is my first one, and I’d love to have YOU take it. So if you had a job, had a baby and went back to work, click what best applies to your situation. And feel free to expound in the comments!

5 Replies to “Sorting my thoughts (and a Poll!)…”

  1. yay, I ws the first to take the poll! Thanks for your thoughts about the other thing. If you find the right words to use when the time comes let me know. I have no idea what words to say when N. and I speak again.

  2. sorry I can’t do the poll … I quit my job at 9 mnths pg and stayed home for 5 yrs. I did go back to the same company all those yrs later though – better position but same company. 🙂

  3. I hope to take 16 weeks or so, but it depends on whether my school district (I’m a teacher) changes its policy. Right now there is no paid leave for adoption. If I birthed a baby I would have 8 weeks paid-I’d be able to use 40 of my sick days. If the policy isn’t changed, then I need to take only 8 weeks. We have enough money set aside to cover that much.

  4. From ICLW
    First, your blog layout is so pretty!
    I stayed home as long as humanly possible when my daughter arrived. If I had my way, I never would have returned to work!

  5. I have a lot of comments about being a working mom. It’s hard to keep them positive.

    I was able to take FMLA – UNPAID – 12 weeks from work. No paid time off unless you are able to conceive and give birth to a child yourself. Even FATHERS of women here got 3 days paid! I was able to have HR change it so adoptive and foster parents – moms included – got the same 3 days, so they changed the policy from “Fatherhood Day” to “Parenthood Day”. Beyond that, it was just the 12 weeks…. And HR had the gall to try to tell me to take it all at once, rather than spend part of the time coming back slowly by working 1 or 2 days a week. They suggested I’d want that solid bonding time (never mind having no income for months after shelling out that nice adoption fee!!!)

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