Let the commenting commence/ Happy One Month Birthday Baby Boy!

Welcome if you found this blog via IComLeavWe! I think a monthly week dedicated to comments is going to be fabulous. And it also explains that little dog widget on my right sidebar.

Way back during NaComLeavMo, I did a little intro post. Not much has changed, except that now I’m on an adoption leave since our son was born on June 21st and placed with us on June 25th. So really, a lot of our day-to-day has changed, I guess.

Currently, I blog a lot about the antics of a determined almost 3 yr old, the bodily functions of her 1 month old brother, and whatever crosses my sleep-deprived brain.

Today’s actual topic:

The Boy is One Month Old! Here he is chillin’ in his own personal hot tub, also known as the bathroom sink.

In one short month we’ve gone from a family of three to a family of four. From sleeping soundly through most nights to sleeping 2-3 hours at a time if we’re lucky. From fitting 3 people in a 1200sq ft townhouse to fitting 4.

In one short month AFM is awake a lot more than he used to be. He’s gone from drinking 1 oz every two hours to drinking 4oz every 2-3 hours. He’s left those newborn onesies in the dust and is challenging the snaps on the 3m clothing. He’s turning toward the voices he knows best now–mine, daddy’s and big sister. He likes his paci. And his soft silky blanket and lovey. And riding reclined in the stroller (when his sister lets him).

It’s been one short month, but it seems like it has always been this way.

6 Replies to “Let the commenting commence/ Happy One Month Birthday Baby Boy!”

  1. Happy Birthday, and hooray and congrats to all of you. You successfully navigated your way through some great challenges, and now this lucky boy joins your wonderful family. As they say in Texas, “Good on you!”

  2. Here from ICLW,but as you commented earlier on my blog, you knew that already 😉

    Happy Birthday to the little one and congrats to you. Love the pic of the little man in his “personal” tub.

  3. I don’t know if it’s just that photo, but it sure looks like he’s changed a LOT in the last few weeks! And you can tell the bottles are increasing, clothing size shrinking (right? Because he surely isn’t outgrowing them)

    Can’t wait to see him in person in a couple weeks, hopefully…

  4. What a cute photo! We just had those sleep-deprived nights a few months back, what saved me was co-sleeping.

    Here via ICLW.

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