The Competition

So of course, the talk around our house has centered around the dance contest. Every time I say the word Dance Contest I feel like I should burst into song and start dancing, ala Grease or something.

Any, the MoveDad website has been updated–the TX winner’s video is up there, along with BgK’s winning moves. Hilarious. BgK may have to incorporate more booty shaking in his routine.

And no, listening to “You Can’t Touch This” over and over and over doesn’t get old. Really.

5 Replies to “The Competition”

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog!
    That dance contest sounds awesome: I would love to do something like that (a la old black and white movies). My husband and I love ball room dancing, and just goofing off.
    Congrats on the win!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog! That song always reminds me of middle school! Go Hammer, Go, Go, Go!

  3. OMG…I just went and watched the video. Awesome! Your husband is great! I love guys that can just let loose like that.

    Here from nclm!

  4. At least you don’t have “Macarena” swimming in your head.

    Congrats to you Hubby! He’s HOT! (Tell him I said so.)

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