Frog boots, my first ham and more

Not one particular thing is jumping out of my head for an even remotely put-together post, but since I have a few minutes, I feel like I should go through the motions anyway.

The snow we played in last Saturday was gone by Tuesday, and the ground is now completely saturated with water. But with temps in the high 30’s up through the 50’s, this was PRIME recess time at MAM’s daycare and my school. After swimming in flooded mulch for two days, we went to Target and got great rubber boots–froggy boots for her, and b & w polka dot boots for myself.

Since Tuesday, MAM has taken her boots off to sleep, and that’s about it. She wears them all the time, and loves them with a love that only a toddler can have for the special items in her life.

This week we also made the decision not to trek north for Easter–with limited time off, and Spring Break just a few weeks away, we decided to stay put. It will be nice to go to our church on Easter Sunday, and to have a holiday at home, I think. My parents and grandmother are coming for the weekend, which will give us access to an indoor hotel swimming pool, which I think will be fabulous. I will cook dinner on Sunday–thus my first purchase (and baking of) a spiral sliced honey ham. All sides and desserts will be things I’ve made before, but the ham? Not so much. Is there anything I need to know about cooking such a beast? (or heating it, I guess, it appears to be already cooked)

Last night we got together with friends and celebrated three 35th birthdays, illustrating once again how fast time flies…it feels like we just got through with the 30th birthdays….surely it’s not time for 35, is it?? (I checked my calendar–it most certainly is) Anyway, due to a late night, we are now enjoying an exceedingly rare weekend nap time.

So I am off to start cleaning in anticipation of Easter Sunday company. Surely I can get it together in a week, right? Right? Please tell me I’m right!

4 Replies to “Frog boots, my first ham and more”

  1. Hey, MAM, can Woob borrow your frog boots? He loves loves loves the laurie berkner song “Boots” and it talks about stomping around in my frog boots. Too cute (and she just keeps growing!)

  2. You can do it:) A week is tons of time, right?
    I absolutely love those boots. I need a pair in my size! 🙂

  3. Ham is so easy, really. My mom always put it in one of those oven bags (like for turkeys) and it kept everything moist and clean up easy. Have fun! I love love love MAM’s boots. I am wearing froggy socks myself today and my students all want a pair.

  4. Ham is pretty simple, but double check the ingredients. A lot of glazes are not gluten free-didn’t know that before my trek into to food allergy land.

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