It’s the Ultimate Blog Party 2008

Have you heard? It’s Party Week, thanks for 5 Minutes for Mom!

Thanks for stopping by–I know there are a lot of places to go, people to see and prizes to check out!

So this is my blog, Gotcha Baby, where I go on about my life in general, and sometimes in specifics. MAM is my fabulous toddler, who keeps me on my toes, and as she grows, her antics make great blog fodder. I mean really, “the gas phone” ? How could I not blog about that???

Also, this is where I write the occasional review, and rave and rant about the world around me.
Like any addicted blogger, I love comments, so please say hello. And since I’m always looking for a good read, I’d love to know what you are reading right now. Currently, hubby and I are on a mobster kick, so I’m reading a non-fictional account of the history of the Mafia in Chicago. Strange, but true,and surprisingly interesting.

How many other blogs have you check out this week? And have you checked out the prizes??

Oh! And I almost forgot..the Etsy widget on my sidebar! I should tell you about that! I am part of an etsy store called StirCrazy and Such. A dear friend of mine is undergoing cancer treatment, and the proceeds of all sales go directly to helping her! Please go check out the goods when you have a minute–there are a lot of fun things for sale!
Here are my top picks, should I be a lucky winner: #7 a photo tile necklace by Elemental Memories, # 11 the Gift Certificate to Good for the Kids, and #20 the gift certificate to Paperlicious. (I also have my eyes on #129, #130, #137, and #140)

14 Replies to “It’s the Ultimate Blog Party 2008”

  1. I think I have visited more blogs in the last 24 hours than I have in the whole year prior!
    Happy Blog Party!

  2. Hi, I am currently reading Fortune’s Daughter by Alice Hoffman. It is very good. I am a coffee addict too!

  3. Oh this looks like a fun blog… and a fellow caffeine addi… I mean AFFICIANADO. (we can quit anytime we want. really) I love blog party time, I find all kinds of new stuff!

  4. I’m inviting you to party with me!

    Win some chocolate from my-sister-in-law and I…we blog about CHOCOLATE…me from Australia…and her from Michigan. Here’s the link:

    What am I doing in Australia? I married an Aussie…and moved to Brisbane, leaving my family and friends and all the right-side-of-the-road drivers in America.

    Win a handmade pocket place mat from my blog Comfort Joy Designs. Here’s the link:

    Want to know more about life in Australia? Visit my A Cup of Joy site where I keep up with my family and friends in America. Here’s the link:

    Happy Partying!

  5. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for stopping by. It’s nice to meet another teaching adoptive mom from Indiana. It’s a small world. I love your blog and will be back!

  6. I’m visiting my namesakes first. So, how are you tackling this party? Hmmm? It’s HUGE! I don’t know how many people I’ve visited . . .but as for tonight, your the last one. You? Nice meeting you – party on!

  7. Aloha from Hawaii! As another busy mom that loves coffee, I’ll be back to check out your site when I have a little more time!

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