Today I got done with work early so I went to go pick up the Monkey before she went down for her nap. I thought she’d sleep longer and better at home. Ha!! This was the first day that I can remember in recent history that she’s gone WITHOUT A NAP. She played in her room for awhile, filled her pants, warranted a change, played some more and after 90 minutes, I let her out.
Later in the afternoon we flipped on Arthur and for the first time she seemed semi-interested. It happened to be an episode where D.W. and friends are at a spoof of the American Girl store, and there are thousands of dolls and accesories and books to be had. It was pretty funny, because the girls were poking fun at how commercialized it was, and a salesperson was saying how a certain doll (the Tibetan one) was discontinued because there weren’t enough accessories to generate enough income, and so forth.
So after that we went to the mailbox and what was in it???? Our first American Girl catalog. I kid you not. I had a whole new appreciation for it after that Arthur episode!!! OMG is that stuff expensive! Wowsa! Now granted, it’s worlds apart from Bratz and other assorted crap–it actually is somewhat reality based and comes with lessons in history, etc. But come on–we all know it’s just overly commercialized stuff. It’s like the Hanna Andersson catalog on crack–Hanna offers Mother/Daughter outfits, American Girl offers girl/doll outfits.
In sticking with our firsts theme, the first Christmas presents of the season have been purchased!!! With 9 (!!) neices and nephews aged 5 and under to buy for (I know, Beth, I have NOTHING to complain about), one must get started early. Toys R Us had a fab sale on Little Tikes and Melissa & Doug puzzles. I also ordered several items from MontessoriServices, which in turn will give my school a merchandise credit that the teachers can use in their classrooms.
I think that’s it for now.