My adventures in the artsy-phartsy bar district in town have been varied over the years. Most involve large amounts of alcohol, listening to bands, seeing comedians, walking around the canal, and sharing food with friends. My roommate and I used to dance the night away at Eden–you know, 11pm-2am on weeknights. We used to drink $1.50 U-Call its til 12am. We used to be SO cool. Here’s a THEN and NOW look at how we spend our time there–
February 1995:
We go out to celebrate my friend’s 21st birthday. We find a man (he was so old–like 26)who finds us amusing. So amusing he runs a tab for us on his American Express card. When we are sufficiently schnockered we head out to call our under 21 friend for a ride (no cellphones then)–we find a payphone, but seriously, cannot dial. So we find a man (we called him Red–because he had red hair) who graciously dials the # for us. He waits with us outside the BroadRipple Steakhouse until our ride appears. He doesn’t even leave when the birthday girl pukes in the bushes.
February 2006:
We are gearing up for the Babe’s 6month birthday. We’re going to one of our favorite burrito places that night. We have her outfit all picked out–we can’t wait! We’ll have to move quickly though–she goes to sleep at 7:30pm. The good thing is that that is still mid-afternoon Broad Ripple time.