WWJB–Summer Camp 2010

So emails are starting to fly amongst my gal pals, we are starting to plan for summer. Starting to plan because weeks and weeks on end with no plan at all sort of stresses me out. Mostly because without a goal each day, I’d sit here, on the Internet while my kids zone out at the TV until at least noon every day. We are looking at the free movies, the library reading programs and maybe jazzing up the around-town itinerary with a scavenger hunt or two.

As we were figuring out who was going where when, the topic of Vacation Bible School came up. MaM’s been looking forward to going to our Church’s program, and I’ve been planning what I could do for two hours each morning with Junior while she sings Kumbayah.

Then we registered this past weekend. And VBS this year is 6-8 PM. There goes that plan. Of course she’ll still go, of course she’ll still love it, but there won’t be that week of “this is why we are getting dressed before noon, and Junior, what would you like to do today” .

Then a friend shared that her boys were going to VBS at a church near their house, not their actual church. And then she threw out the name of a church near us that has a morning VBS one week in June.


What if we church hopped all summer? What if each week I sent MaM to a new VBS? The price can’t be beat (most are $20-$30 for the week), and who couldn’t use more Bible schooling?


(clue for week 1) This church has a fun festival and living Nativity at Christmas. Do you know what church this is?

What if we church hopped all summer, scavenger hunt style?

(clue for week 2) This church is across from your favorite park. Do you know what church this is?

Each week, the kids would get clue, and once they figured out which church it was, they could go to that VBS.

Theme for the summer:





(clue for week 3) We pass this church every day on the way to school. Do you know what this church is?

Winter, Winter Go Away…

Like the rest of North America, with the exception of Vancouver, it appears, central Indiana is in the middle of the dead of winter. Snow days, school delays, snow, snow, and more snow….these have been the days of my life.

Even when the sun isn’t out, there is a terrific glare off the snow. I’m counting that as sunlight for my sanity.

So it’s only natural that summer dreams have been developing this week. Remember summer? Remember warm? Remember sunshine?

The gals at Grown in My Heart have made a plan for summer–we are going to BlogHer ’10 in NYC. We’d like to get a slot in the Room of Their Own program–where we’d be the panel and discuss the delicate nature of sharing your family life and reproductive challenges on the Internet.

If you have two seconds, please click through here, and vote for our proposal: http://www.blogher.com/room-of-your-own-10

You do need a BlogHer account, and once you’ve signed in, please vote for us. We’d appreciate it…..and if you’re going to BlogHer ’10, give a shout out!

Here are few flashbacks to a warmer, gentler time:

It was sooo hot the day we saw Niagra Falls, the plastic ponchos were a bit much!
It was sooo hot the day we saw Niagra Falls, the plastic ponchos were a bit much!
The water was so warm in the Atlantic this was a sunset splash. SO WARM OUTSIDE!
The water was so warm in the Atlantic this was a sunset splash. SO WARM OUTSIDE!
Look! The Fox is wearing a romper. Not pants. He's wearing sunscreen. He's sitting on this stuff called grass. Haven't seen grass since January...
Look! The Fox is wearing a romper. Not pants. He's wearing sunscreen. He's sitting on this stuff called grass. Haven't seen grass since January...

Family Trip: Success

We spent most of our time away just minutes from the beach on Boston's South Shore
We spent most of our time away just minutes from the beach on Boston's South Shore

We are finally home again, home again (jiggety jig) after a week long family trip. It was sooo nice to get away–to not have a to do list, or the feeling that I should be doing anything more than making sure everyone is fed, clothed and reasonably clean. There wasn’t as much sleeping as I’d hoped for (why they chose this week to reset their clocks for school, I don’t know), but some of our early mornings were the best. Early morning runs to Dunkin Donuts, and an early stroll around Niagra Falls with  Jr. is one I won’t soon forget.

There’s really nothing like jumping on a hotel bed……..me bed jumpmam bed

But there’s really no place like home!