Third Grade Musings and Kindergarten Excitement

School started for the kids back on August 7th. The new “balanced” calendar gives me feelings, but so it goes.


The girl started third grade, and all of a sudden, it appears that things are clicking. A lot of the “training” that took place in first and second grade seems to be getting put to good use. The homework planner that she’s lugged back and forth just for exercise is being written in daily. There’s now a special weekly log that requires she read every day for 20 minutes. She’s starting to listen to the morning announcements at school- it’s the first time she’s ever come home and told me Friday is spirit day. (Every Friday is Spirit Day. When I asked her last night if she wanted to wear a school t-shirt, she looked at me, exasperated, and said, “It’s required Mom.It’s Spirit Day.” Note, she has never once worn either of the school tshirts she happens to own. EVER.)

There is a sudden awareness of her surroundings that can only be attributed to being eight (moving in head first into the second plane of development, according to Dr. Montessori).

The boy walked into kindergarten on the first day and said, “I can’t believe I am at my new school!” He comes home with tales of morning meetings, chocolate milk and recess. His class is doing the traditional counting the school days, and every day he tells me the number. He’s eight days in, in case you are curious.

Eight days in, and things are going just fine. I’ll take it.