Here’s a bit more about our time in NYC, in pictures. The city is a busy place, and if you look hard enough, you’ll find all sorts of celebs….some legit, some more of the YouTube variety.
Famous people 1-4: The four finalists to Hallmark’s Daddy of All Dance-Offs, before the big competition on Friday morning.
Famous people 5-6: Cameron Mathison (All My Children) and Lonnie Quinn (CBS weather) were the judges for Friday’s Dance-Off. They were both really nice and a ton of fun!
Famous people 7-9: Peyton, Archie and Eli Manning happened to be at the Early Show on Saturday morning, filming their segment after the Daddy dancers.
Famous people 10-12: Bradley Whitford, Mark Rylance, and Christine Baranski, key players in the show Boeing, Boeing, which we saw Friday night.
Famous person 13: The Naked Cowboy. It wouldn’t be a trip to Times Square without seeing this guy in his tighty whiteys, now would it?