If you live in Indy, you may have heard- the Container Store is finally here! If you’ve never been to one, you might not know why this is a big deal. If you’re familiar, well, then, you aren’t reading right now, you’re shopping.
Last week I had the opportunity to have lunch with some of my favorite people and tour the Container Store, all 25,000 sq ft. That evening, I attended the Preview Party, complete with live band, dance floor and 2000 of the Container Stores biggest fans. It was a lot of fun, really overwhelming, and really left me wanting to reorganize my entire house. October 6, 2011 will forever be known as “Container Store Day” in my book.
The Container Store generously sent me home with a bag swag and I thought it would be fun to take some before and after pictures to demonstrate how useful their products really can be.
Exhibit A: The kids’ bathroom caddy. Ack.
Before: The basket actually held everything from toothpaste to a measuring tape, to hair ties.

There are more goodies to put to work- I think the FlipFold might have to be it’s own post. I find it oddly relaxing to fold my shirts like they do at the Gap.
What do you need help Containing? Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure the Container Store Indy will have an answer for you!
(Top photo courtesy of Angie Six, local blogger and Container Store enthusiast!)