Blog Action Day 2010: WATER

Yesterday I recapped my self-made environmental report card and my grade was a 60%.

For this year’s Blog Action Day, I’ve been reading up on The statistics are staggering and inspire me to use less if for no other reason than I otherwise feel helpless in the developing world’s plight for access to clean drinking water & I shouldn’t be plundering my good fortune.

I found a water calculator that can help track our family’s water use. Right now it looks like we use just under 90 gallons again, but that’s just a guess. You read it here first that I’m going t do some record keeping and research and get a more accurate count in November. I’m hoping that by checking in there every so often, we can reduce the amount of water we use. Strikes we have against us is that the fixtures in our home are all 20 years old, and we have a top-loading washing machine. I supposed we if don’t sell our home soon, we could start replacing these water-guzzlers with newer, low-flow models.

Poke around the “facts” pages at Blog Action Day and at and you may be inspired to do the same thing. has several ways to spread the word and show your support, if you scroll down to the bottom of the “women’s issue” page.

Let me leave you with the video below (from and some things to think about (from :

More people in the world have access to a mobile phone than to a toilet.

38,000 children die each week due to dirty drinking water and unsanitary conditions.

One in eight people on the planet don’t have access to safe drinking water.

Women can’t do anything from on Vimeo.

Time Warp: Blog Action Day 2007 Revisit

I just signed up for Blog Action Day 2010. I have a vague memory of participating in Blog Action Day before, so I just went  through my archives and discovered that yes, in 2007, I DID participate.

Blog Action day is now run by and the idea is that  bloggers across the globe all write a post on the same social-issue topic on the same day — thus spreading awareness.

In my 2007 post, I listed 5 things I was doing to help lessen my environmental impact — and  I thought today was appropriate to report how I’v been doing on these five things:

1. Reusable shopping bags: OMG, my collection is legendary. Checkers at Trader Joe’s compliment me on the fact that I have so.many.bags that I don’t need any paper bags when I shop. I only get my meat bagged in plastic, and we are to the point at my house that we really have to look for a random plastic bag when we need one. This makes me happy!

2. The powdered detergent: I have to say, I’ve started alternating between powder and liquid–the powder was gunking up my washing machine and not rinsing well. Any tips in this department are appreciated!

3. Using the dishwasher to conserve water: It still washes just as much as always, and I love it. Go Earth!

4. Bringing my own mug to the coffee shop: The reusable mug kick is largely over for me- I tend NOT to bring one with me these days. Reading my post on this was a good reminder that it’s easy and it does make a difference. Now if I can only remember….

5. Not buying bottled water: I’ve kept up the practice of rarely buying bottled water. We use reusable water bottles, which is no big deal and SO MUCH BETTER for the Earth I can’t hardly stand it! Sure there’s the occasional impulse/unprepared buy, and I’d rather buy water than anything else to drink, but it’s minimal.

One other thing we’ve started doing since that blog post was sign up for curbside recycling. We do pay a small fee, but we recycle so much more because we have one of those huge wheeled bins to fill. Also, when we signed up, we were one of the only families on our street to do so. Since then, it seems like every pick up day there’s another big blue bin on the curbside. It’s not the greatest recycling program (typical contents, except it only takes plastics #1 & #2) , but it’s better than nothing.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post — this year’s theme is WATER.

Walkers and Riders May Leave Now

When I started elementary school, I attended the local public school which was within walking distance.

From what I can remember (it was 1979, so it’s a little fuzzy), everybody walked. I don’t even remember a parking lot or car pool line routine — I remember running out of the building, and finding my mom standing on the sidewalk under a particular tree. I also don’t remember it ever raining or snowing, so I’m sure there are more details I’m forgetting. But the point is this — I started my schooling career attending a neighborhood school, walking there most days. I even remember that by second grade, I was walking with a group of kids, and I don’t think there were any grown ups chaperoning!

In the third grade, we moved to an area that was incredibly spread out, and there was NOTHING within walking distance. We did walk to the bus stop every day (our neighborhood wasn’t big enough to justify the school bus driving through it), and kids who lived “in town” did walk to school.  As a matter of fact, there were two dismissals at my second elementary school — the first one, where the secretary announced “Walkers and Riders may leave now”  (meaning kids who could walk, and kids who got picked up by parents) and then a second one for the bus riders. When “Walkers and Riders may leave now” was announced, children proceeded out the school doors and into the great vast world. You either started on your walk home, or you scanned one of the three areas where your car ride might be waiting. There were no carline formations or teachers outside to check to see if you got picked up by the right grown up — as far as I know, no one ever was kidnapped during dismissal.

Flash forward thirty years, and walking to school (or really, anywhere)  is no longer the norm, especially in suburbia. A local community here in Central Indiana even petitioned to have bus service reinstated for children living within walking distance of the school because of the “potential dangers of retention ponds”. As school budgets tighten, more districts may just have to trim their transportation budgets and go back to the days of “safety patrols” (remember those ‘big kids” who would help you cross the street?) so kids can walk to and from school without incident. Here in Indiana, weather is also a factor — as the days grow colder and darker, safe, well-lit walking routes are definitely an issue (I’m not buying the retention pond argument, sorry).

My daughter’s school is 8 miles away via highway, so it’s not a feasible distance to bicycle with two small children. In fact, like most private schools in our area, there is no bus service, which means that each child is transported by their own private car. Surely the environmental impact is a big one, with everyone lining up, engines running, in car line formation. [Fortunately, the school is able to be green in other ways — the children compost, recycle and use regular dishes and glasses (not disposable), so other resources are able to be conserved.]  Children are put into the cars by teachers, and identification is checked if anyone not familiar is sent on a pick up mission. Sometimes I wish it was 1979 again.

If you are able to walk or bike to school, Clorox Green Works has started a program aimed at encouraging families to do just that. Did you know that October is International Walk to School month? In honor of this, Clorox has set up special program to benefit families and their schools — you can check it out on Clorox Green Works’ Facebook Page.There you can register to log your steps, and the top five schools with the most participation will be eligible to win a $5000 grant.

Were you a Walker, A Rider or a Bussed Student back in the day? What do your kids do now?

Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Clorox GreenWorks and received a $30 thank-you gift certificate.” (the idyllic memory of walking to school unattended is all mine)