Chik Fil A Leadercast Indy (session 2)

So we’ve had a fun break, complete with musical and cow entertainment, as well as yogurt parfaits One thing’s for sure, at a Chik-Fil-A leadercast, you’ll eat well.

Did you know that there’s a Chik-Fil-A Bowl? they are giving away tickets in Atlanta, and holding twitter contest giveaways to the satellite locations. I love how they are supporting the use of Twitter, btw.

Mack Brown is starting this session on the Voice of Purpose. He is apparently a football coach of some note. John Maxwell is conducting an interview –Coach Brown went to the Middle East after a former player asked him to do so — via cargo plane. They visited troops in the hospital in Germany. Coach Brown is talking about how the troops there, severely injured soldiers, just wanting to get back to their guys on the front lines.

Three cheers for the Osama capture — the Armed Forces teaches leadership every day. Our military is strong, and proud, and we should all appreciate what they do.

Maxwell: What do you for in recruiting?

Brown: They look for the great players — if on video, you can’t tell he’s a great player in 5 plays, turn it off. He also needs to have atleast a 3.0 and be on a winning team. …….we want them to be good leaders in their community.

Maxwell: What’s your purpose for coaching? Beyond the wins/losses?

Brown: You have to win, or you can’t continue to do what you do. ((aside–good point)).

Apparently, Texas football is important. They made $93 million last year, spent $25 million on the program, the rest of the money goes to the other college programs. (seriously?!?! DAMN!) If they aren’t winning, he’s no longer coaching. (pressure much?)

Maxwell: Last year wasn’t your best year — what can you say to folks who aren’t having their best year?

Brown: About the time it gets easy is about the time you’re gonna get into trouble……..we went to work, but we didn’t create that same edge.  You better create an edge every day. You lose your edge, and they played better against us. Your worst day can give you your best results, because we wouldn’t have gone back to work so hard.

Sir Ken Robinson is up next ,according to Tripp Crosby. I don’t really know who Tripp is, but he’s ,well, a total trip. He’s showing us how he was knighted at Medieval Times and now walking the streets. You kind of need to see it to get it.

Sir Ken Robinson was knighted by the Queen of England and is a voice of innovation.

He’s warming the crowd up with his observations on LA, Las Vegas and his renewing of his marriage vows with the “Blue Hawaii” package.

Now he’s working his way to the point — there’s no reason for Las Vegas to be there. Most cities have a geographical advantage– Vegas is in the middle of nowhere.

Vegas is there because of humans. (aside -only humans can pole dance, but that’s not why LV is there) — LV is just an idea, it’s the power of human imagination.

You can predict some things — you know when Haley’s comet is coming back. But you can’t predict human affairs. Are you doing know what you thought you’d be doing at 15?

Very many people don’t enjoy the work they do or the lives they leave — they don’t enjoy it, they just get on with it, and they wait for the weekend. They endure their lives.

The people who love what they do and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. They are in their element.

You’re doing something for which you have a natural aptitude. (does it sound like I’m typing in a British accent? Because I totally am)

Creativity rises from imagination, it’s the natural gift of human intelligence. Most adults think they’re not creative. Yet, all children think that they are.

CHildren are born with immense creative capacities, but many of use lose them as they get older. Yet, they are the greatest resource of any organizaiton.

We are living now in time of revolution. Literally. Technology is changing everything. Transforming economy, work, social life and culture.

When I was born in 1950, you could buy four gadgets.

A record player (they had one record– Tom Dooley)

The telephone

The television

The radio

If you had those four things, you had no reason to back to Best Buy. (btw, I LOVE HIM. I LOVE SIR KEN ROBINSON)

Technology is one factor, the second is population (his reasoning for calling our time a revolution).

Three key terms — imagination, creativity and innovation –innovation is putting good ideas into practice.

Creativity and innovation are now fundamental issues to every industry on earth. But we have to look very hard to how we’re educating our children — factory model, not inovative.

>>Jab at No Child Left Behind<< (it’s doing the opposite — leaving millions of children behind)

Your kids are different from each other, aren’t they? You’d never confuse them, would you?(point that one size fits all doesn’t work in education)

Leadership is about movement ….

oh, closing remarks. Now he’s gone…..oh come back Sir Ken Robinson. Seriously, I could listen to him ALL DAY.

Erin Gruwell is up next.

“I’m an ordinary person who had an extraordinary experience”. She talks about seeing footage of Tiennamen Square, and she realized that she never stood up for anything. She decided she no longer wanted to be a lawyer, so she became a teacher. She moved to LA and joined a school in a community where 126 kids were killed in just the previous year.

Her students laughed at her syllabus. 150 kids strong — she had the lowest 150 kids in a community of 90,000 kids. They just came from boot camp, or juvenile hall, or from foster care. All 150 of them scored in the bottom  25% of the standardized tests.

She thought about ways to get her students to tell her their stories.

She got them to play a game, “stand on the line” –it made them see that they all came from a similar place.  She is telling some serious tales — bout poverty, drugs, homelessness, CPS, etc.  Seriously powerful stuff. (she points out they are 30 minutes from Disneyland and 45 minutes from 90210, but these kids have been at war)

Her idea — she asked her department if she can use books by kids who have been at war — Anne Frank, etc.

The chair of the English department said they were too stupid, too dumb to read a book.

That inspired her to do better. To show them that they were better than that.

She started with the Diary of Anne Frank, and her students found themselves.

They started writing letters to authors they read — and they realized they were rewriting their own ending.

150 kids penned their own story.

Here’s more about Freedom Writers. I’m kind of overwhelmed right now — every school needs an Erin Gruwell.

Chik-Fil-A LeaderCast Indy Live Blog (session 1)

Good Morning!!

I’m blogging from the downtown Marriott, listeing to John C Maxwell speak live from Atlanta. He’s starting on the 5 steps of Leadership.

Level 1: A leadership position in title. The people who follow you follow you because they have to — they follow you to get their paycheck. They will give you the very least, because people don’t like to do it. How can you tell if you are a leader in this kind of environment??

At 4:30, people clear their desks.

They talk to co-workers.

At 4:50, they go to the bathroom. They like to pee on company time.

At 4:57 they are just waiting to leave

At 5:00, they are out the door.

Also a sign? People back into their parking spots– they like to make a quick getaway.

At Level 2: Permission Level

People begin to follow you because they want to do so. What’s happened? You (the leader) have connected with your people. You’ve gotten to know each other, and  you’ve become a supervisor people like.

People in leadership positions need to be likeable.

Relationships are the foundation of leadership. You cannot influence someone you antagonize.

1) Listen Well, take all of your leadership cues from listening

2) They observe, and are conscious of where their people are and what they are doing

3) They are learning.

They have an attitude of serving. They love to serve.

Level 3: 1) They produce by example. People produce what they see. You can’t send people where you haven’t been yourself.

Your leadership gains credibility because you are starting to produce. You attract people you want to be productive. Law of magnetism. We attract who we are, not what we want.

Managers solve problems, leaders create momentum.

Momentum at level 3 leadership with take care of 80% of the problems.

Level 4: quick check– are you learning something?

People development level. This is what he (maxwell) lives for.

You commit to developing the people of an organization. You build an organization by growing people.

1) the key to devleoping good people is recruitment — the better they are, the better they’ll become.

Successful leaders discover what other people are good at.

At level 4, you recruit well, position well and equip well.

Level 5: The Pinnacle Level — RESPECT. You’ve done it so well for so long, people just follow you because of what you have done. It takes a long time to get to level 5. Leadership is always an ongoing, growing, learning process.

Your assignemnt: Take the people that you lead, write down their names and think about what level you are on with each one of your people. Once you know, you’ll know how to lead them. The commitment level of your people is higher, the higher the level you’re on.

Seth Godin is Up Next!

The Act of Making a Decision

He’s staring with seeing the future/seeing what we want to see: starting with the newspaper business. Newspapers should have seen 15 years ago that 10 years from now, we are not going to chop down trees, print a paper, have it delivered to your house, even if you’re not home, something for you to read. After 15 minutes, you’ll recycle it. It won’t be happening forever. But papers don’t want to see that.

There are two ways to get marry, walk up to someone in a bar and propose. Keep asking people til someone gets married. The other way to do it is to go on a date, if it works, keep going out until you want to get married.

Are you invisible or are your remarkable?

Yelling doesn’t work ,average doesn’t work becasue it’s boring. (mass marketing to the masses no longer works)

Now he’s talking about socks — wanna see my socks? That’s the marketing strategy — three socks to a pack, they don’t match. $10 packs, marketed to 12 yr old girls. “Our job is to give 12yr old girls something to talk about at recess”

How did you decide to spend the extra money? You tell yourself a story about our worldview.

Now he’s holding a record. For a long time, the music industry was perfect. You hear music on the radio for free, and you could buy it at the record store. You play it enough, and it wears out and you buy another one.

Then digital comes along, and you can listen to anything you want for free. What did the music industry do? They sued their biggest customers. That’s a strategy.

Either you defend or you invent the future. The Future doesn’t care if you believe in it. Either you’re leading it or you’re not.

The edge of the box is where the magic happens. That’s where the action is. It makes people nervous.

Henry Ford was the most important person in the 20th century by far. He figured out mass production and interchangeable parts.

Interchangeable parts brings us to interchangeable people. This is the discussion of our time. It’s what we all grew up with, and now it’s not working so well. Interchangeable people are really good at running a factory that makes average stuff.

It’s not smart enough.

The notion of choosing to be irreplaceable is frightening.

We need individuals who will lead, not manage. Management is what you do when you want your employees to do what they did yesterday, a little faster, a little cheaper.

Leadership is giving them a platform and then getting out the way. It’s being surprised by the the people who work for you. It means giving up control. Are you in the business of complying or do you want to own things.

What used to be scarce is now abundant (books on paper, vs. books on Kindle). What’s scarce now? Our attention.

Zappos — if someone takes the time to call customer service, that’s the greatest marketing oppotunity of them all. Their phone reps are encouraged to keep people on the phone.

You’re either an accountant, doing it again and again, or a you’re an artist– doing something that’s never been done before.

(This is seriously motivating and an interesting look at the future of business)

The problem with the race to the bottom is that you might win (doing average things for cheap)

“Mom, What Does ‘We Got Him’ Mean?”

Like you, I imagine I will always remember where we were Sunday, May 1, 2011 when we heard the news that Osama Bin Laden was dead. My family was in our minivan, driving home from Chicago. We’d normally not be on the road so late, but it was a fun family party, and we had to drop of my father-in-law and we had to make multiple bathroom stops and…well, you get the drift. We didn’t leave the city limits until after 9pm.

We’d turned off the radio and the children were asleep. I had fallen asleep briefly, and when I woke up, I compulsively checked Twitter. And that’s when I saw the tweets. We turned on the radio, and were filled in on the details.

It seemed almost surreal. I remember September 11, 2001 vividly, and I can’t believe it’s been a decade.

The war on terror has been going on for my entire marriage.

Tonight we got home later than usual, and when MaM turned on the TV, PBS Kids was already over. Instead of seeing her favorite characters, the screen showed a haggard picture of Bin Laden and the headline “We Got Him”.

She can read, so of course she asked, “Mom, what does ‘We Got Him’ mean?”

The war on terror has been going on her entire life.

And so I told her. I asked if she’d seen pictures of the day when the airplanes hit the buildings in New York City, and she said yes.

I told her that for a really long time, since before she was born, the United States has been looking for the man who ordered that to happen. That former President Bush said that we would not stop until we got him.

“Mom, did he go to jail?”

I told her the truth. I told her that when the soldiers came to get him, he fought back. And in the fight he was killed.

“So the bad guy is dead? Did the good guys duck his bullets?”

I told her that no good guys were hurt during the raid.

She said, “I’m glad the good guys are ok.”
And then she went about her day.

This will probably be just a blip on her radar. There will be many bad guys in the future, I’m sure, just like there have been many bad guy in my lifetime.

What I’m focusing on tonight with my children is that “The good guys are OK.”