Apparently, seven is the magic number. Did you see this online or in your local paper today? THe main gist is that seven hours a sleep a night is optimal for an adult–people who adjusted their sleeping to get less (5 hours) or more (8 hours) ended up dying sooner than those who got seven hours of shut eye a night. I guess this could been seen as a free pass to stay up and watch 10 o’clock TV shows….or start getting up at 5am. Or I can just take my chances that the 7.5hrs -8hrs I’m getting won’t make me kick the bucket anytime in the near future.
Here’s the thing–would you be a bit peeved if your loved one took place in the this study–either shortening or lengthening their sleep habits, only to later learn that may that’s why they died? Is there any room for coincidence here?
How much sleep do you get on an average night? How about your kiddos?? Inquiring minds want to know!