We are wrapping up an unusually adventurous spring break for us. We even started early, by taking the kids out of school a day early so we could get a head start.
Our first stop? SPACE CAMP. I lived my best 1986 life, and I think the kids had fun too. We attended a three day Pathfinder program with Scouts, and I cannot say enough good things about it. It was action-packed, it was exhausting, and it was amazing. More on that in a different post.
Sunday we parted ways with our group and headed south to the BEACH.
Everything in Gulf Shores and the Florida/Alabama coast revolves around water. The islands are narrow enough you can see both sides at once- the Gulf of Mexico as well as the channel. Every building has a pool, boats rides are on every corner, and there’s even fishing while you wait at restaurants.
Water is everywhere. It made me very glad the kids are old enough to be cautious, and that they have a good foundation in water safety thanks to Goldfish Swim school. They respected the rules and taught me some things about riptides.
I was seriously hoping for a week of sunshine and beaches, but the forecast did not cooperate. Instead of a week of swimming in the gulf, we got lessons in the warning flags and riptide safety. On double red flag days, we walked the beach and played in the sand. After three days of double red flags, we were relieved to have just a single red flag on Wednesday. Yes, that was our standard – “at least it’s not illegal to get in the water today.” it was one amazing day in the sand and surf, complete with wave jumping and jellyfish catching.
Water was everywhere on this vacation . It made me very glad the kids are old enough to be cautious, and that they have a good foundation in water safety thanks to Goldfish Swim school. They respected the rules and taught me some things about riptides.
We had an amazing week and can’t wait to return!
Disclosure: Thanks to Goldfish Swim School for partnering with us to build my school-age swimmers’ confidence in exchange for my honest review of their programs!
Sounds like an awesome week! Love the pics!