We have a SEVEN year old in the house. He’s suddenly very old- reading books, doing math in his head, and learning about, well, everything. He’s never met a documentary he didn’t like. He remembers EVERYTHING. He holds grudges about NOTHING. He’s still the sweetest, most affectionate kid I’ve ever met.
stomp rockets! He’s still into Hot Wheels, Skylanders, and Minecraft. Our new neighborhood has gifted us with neighbor kids next door. He’s a very social guy, so he wants to greet them as soon as the sun’s up. He’s settled for playing outside and hoping they notice. Last week I found out as he rides his bike by their house, he waves.
dude day 2015: Father’s day & a 7th birthday This week he’s heading off for a week of Cub Scout day camp. I know he’s going to love it all.
his Minecraft cake was a huge hit Seven will bring second grade, First Communion, and probably more soccer. It will bring more chapter books, more bike riding, and more Scouting adventures. I can’t wait.