Unfounded Frustration

We had our visit on Friday, and it was GREAT! Only bmom,bdad, and bbro were there–both grandmas took a pass. The one concerned about the snow was still concerned about the snow, even though the roads were dry. Anyway, everything was pleasant, and turns out that bmom wasn’t “mad” , just annoyed at the thought our visit could be jeopardized by the snow. Which reminds me of a few things you’d think I’d learn by now:

1. Tone isn’t always conveyed well in an email

2. When in doubt, talk to the person in s question!

I should know not to get pulled into the drama. That could be my new mantra.

Anyway, we chatted for about an hour. They brought a couple cute outfits for the Babe, and we had outfits and hot wheels for b-bro who’s almost 4. He’s very young for his age, and has some serious speech issues. His interactions w/ bdad (not his bdad, though) were sad bdad has NO patience or skill when talking to children. L was really bothered by it, and we both feel badly for the little boy. We wonder how old baby Kahuna will be when she starts noticing the differences in her background and in her brother’s.

B-bro LOVES L, of course, and was enamored by all the cameras L had brought along. He held the Babe for a little bit, and played really nicely while the rest of us chatted. About half way through the visit, bdad got a look of boredom on his face. Bmom was happy the whole way through–she fed the Babe, and got spit up on–and seemed to be doing OK emotionally through the whole thing.

Being on this side of the triad, I don’t know how they do it, but I’m grateful that they do! We’ll continue to email each other weekly, and will set another visit for sometime in April!

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